Tuesday, February 25, 2025

No Turns Ahead

This just finished painting is the subject of my first email to subscribers to vernschwarz.com.  Please visit and sign up to view my newest pieces along with any news tidbits like shows, workshops, thoughts etc.

I photographed this group last year in PV, and loved the different interactions.  Dad and new mom getting a little peace and two young ladies maybe talking about whatever exciting things are happening in their lives.  In the end the beach is always perfect and relaxing, even for babies.

oil on canvas

18" x 24" 

$1200.00 framed

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Ready For Takeoff


This little beauty is what keeps us green and fed.  Don't see as many as when I was a kid, but it sure is a treat to see them at work in the garden.  I remember trapping them in hollyhocks when I was around 10 and getting stung the very odd time, but it was fun even though dangerous...ha!  We didn't realize that they died after deploying their stingers.  Who's kidding who, at 10 we probably would have still done it.  

oil on board

8" x 8"

$175 framed

Friday, December 20, 2024

It"s A Beautiful Day

This is a scene which we've all seen if we are Lake of the woods or like area visitors.  I know I have fished in similar areas over the years, and always marvel at pristine nature and the sheer beauty and peacefullness.  Doesn't get any better up here in the northern hemi.  This is a larger work which really conveys the feeling of this location.

oil on canvas

48" x 24"

$2400  framed

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Egg Study

This little egg study was a demo for the mini workshop I held for two budding oil painters. 

oil on canvas board

5' x 7" 

$110  framed

Bumble Bee

Nice little bumble bee study.

oil on canvas board

5" x 7"

$110  framed

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Sea Gull

This little painting is part of a collection that I am preparing for my first art fair.  There will be seventy artists exhibiting at the beginnig of April 2025 and I am very excited to be included.

8' x 8"  
oil on canvas board

$175.00 framed

Strawberry Delight

This was the third demo from my last workshop.  Great subject and challenging to get that ice cream cone breathing.  Three of the participants tried it and ended up doing credible jobs which I was pleased to see.  I'm trying to instill the importance of drawing, values and edges in all the assignments I give, but it takes time and practice.  The harder you work the more talented you become.

8" x 8"

oil on canvs panel 

$175.00 framed

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Dairy Model

This lovely looking girl really knows how to strike a pose,  and was painted alla prima.  Using plenty of paint and mixing my clours and values prior to starting makes for a smoother and fresher result.  In preparing for my last workshop I brushed up on a few things that had been missing in my work and as a result took it up a notch.  We never stop learning, and part of that means remembering past lessons...ha!

oil on board

5 1/2" x 8"

$135.00 framed

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Pumpkin Time

Tis the scary time of the year, and I wanted to do something seasonal to cap off the final day of the workshop.  Three of them tried it with some great success showing some growth as artists which was wonderful to see.  

8" x 8"

oil on canvas board

$175.00 framed

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


This commission was received at the recent E. St.Paul dog show.  I took a number of photos of this beautiful borzoi, and his owner decided on this pose which is perfect because it is an accurate depiction of the posture and demeanor of the breed.  I loved poainting Jake and met him a couple of times.  What a lovely boy inside and out.

oil on board

16" x 12" 


Monday, September 30, 2024

Koi Fish Demo

This latest workshop demo was done in water soluble oils as three of the participants are using them and the question was are they okay.  Well I bought some new paints and they are head and shoulders better than the old set I have.  I would have no problem using them as my travel paints when air planes are involved.  I kinda like em'.

water soluble oil on canvas board

12" x 9"

$395  framed

Monday, September 23, 2024

Lone Pear


Day one of my latest workshop featured a drawing demo together with this painting focusing on values and edges.  I only added a few details during a 45 minute session in my studio.  I will show it to the group tomorrow where they will have a stab at painting their own version from the same photo.  

oil on board

8" x 10"

$325 framed 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Apple Study

I will be teaching again at the Artist Emporium later this month and did this little painting to post on their ad.  Last workshop was a blast and hoping to lead two this time with one during the day Tuesdays and one Saturday afternoons.  I will post more info on instagram/FB as it becomes available.oil on canvas board

8" x 8"

$175.00 framed

Bull Terrier

This was a demo painting done at the E. St. Paul dog show this weekend which was just completed in my studio today.  I love bull terriers and their jaunty look. There were so many beautiful dogs this year with attendence up, and I was fortunate to get some commission work which will be posted as it completes.

oil on board

12" x 9"

$395.00 framed

Sunday, June 23, 2024

When Life Gives You Lemons

Can't say life has given me more than my fair share of this citrusy fruit, but I probably deserved what I got.  Thought I'd try my hand at another orchard themed painting and after a couple maybe seven revisions this is the result.

oil on canvas

17 1/2" x 23 1/2" 

$1250.00  Beautifully framed

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sailing on Banderas Bay

This is a painting I did in exchange for a crown installed this last February in Bucerias.  The dentist Adrian Malja is fabulous, and his staff do wonderful work.  I couldn't be happier with what they did, and am pleased that he loved the painting.  My friend Don will deliver the rolled up canvas in June. 

oil on canvas

20" x 30"


Monday, April 8, 2024

Jules Bay

Decided to do a larger landscape for something a little different. Our province is blessed with over 100,000 lakes with cottage life and fishing definitely huge here.  This imagined shore line is like one I've seen many many times in a variety of different lakes.

oil on canvas

24" x 48"


Friday, March 29, 2024

Ambrosia Apples

Just framed, this painting of ambrosia apple which made some seriously delicious pie by the way, is available and looking for a new home.

oil on canvas

20" x 20"

$750.00 framed

Sunday, March 10, 2024


This handsome fellow was a treasured friend missed sorely by his friend and owner.  I hesitate to use the word owner here because of the special bond that existed between the two.  Louie was a large, gregarious fellow who loved the beach with the opportunity to run,  and you can sense his fun loving spirit in the smile and look. He was a fun challenge to paint, and I was rewarded with an enthusiastic handshake and  thank you when he was picked up. No greater reward for an artist.

oil on board

12" x 9"


Thursday, March 7, 2024


Rio was a beloved pet of a young family who are like family to me.  Here she is snuggled up with her arm around pal Airah who I'm sure misses her as much as the family.  This painting was done alla prima with about half an hour of touch ups the next morning.

oil on board

7 1/2"x 7 1/2"


Friday, February 23, 2024

Kim's Hat

This lovely lady was walking laps around the pool at our resort in Mexico and I was immediately struck by her beautiful unique looking hat.  After the second go around, I stopped her and requested a photo to do a sketch which she enthusiastically agreed to.  Her and her husband were down from Virden and I hope she sees this.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Ione"s Vase

Ione Thorkelson is a Manitoba treasure with her magnificent glass creations.  This is a vase I acquired close to forty years ago and never tire admiring the pure beauty of the piece.  It is perfection in it's lovely shape and gorgeous colours.  Now I didn't recreate the colours and marks perfectly, but the essence and feel of the piece are here.

oil on board

10" x 8"

$275 framed

Monday, February 5, 2024


Orkin is my grandaughters pet cat in charge of pest control, and doing a fine job. This was a Christmas present which she requested, and here it is framed and ready to hang in it's new home.  My posting here is late as I was away...maybe Mexico...okay Mexico.  

oil on board

10" x 8"


Saturday, December 23, 2023


This was a collaboration with my four year old granddaughter who snapped this reference with her dad's cell phone.  She is an ardent artist who I know will appreciate this as her Christmas present...well if not now, later on perhaps...ha!  This is her rescue dog Max who is huge and now finally settling down.

oil on board

10" x 8"


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Commission piece just finished of Charlie, who was a very loved and missed companion. A great looking dog who appears to have had tons of energy and personality which I hope can be felt with this portrait. oil on board  

oil on board

12" x 9"


Monday, December 11, 2023



This little Crested Chinese pup makes me think...when Cruella met Cyndi...ha!  I saw her and her owner at the E.St. Paul dog show in September and had to do a painting.  Another breed I was not familir with, and let's face it you don't see these being walked down the street every day.  I thought this would go nicely with an 8" x 10" collection I've started with Tor-Arne's chicken and  the rooster.  It will be mounted on top of the frame as are the others.

oil on board

10" x 8"

$275 framed

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Hnatiuk Gardens

This a group portrait of the fine folks from Hnatiuk Gradens as they man their booth at the E. St. Paul Market every summer Sunday afternoon.  Theirs is certainly one of the busiest stands as their veggies are all home grown and beautiful and delicious.  

oil on board

9" x 12"

$395 framed

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Ad For My First Workshop


I feel honoured and excited to give this new challenge a go.  Thank you to Artist Emporium for having the confidence to offer these sessions.  

Saturday, October 21, 2023



Bosch is another champion show dog which I was privileged to paint as a result of visiting the two September dog shows.  He is a Canadian CKC and American AKC champion Cavalier King Charles spaniel. And if that isn't enough, he is a certified therapy dog specializing in memory care patients. What a sweet and soft furry dude he is.  I loved the challenge of all those strands blowing in the wind, and was thrilled that the owners loved the painting.

oil on board

12" x 9"


Wednesday, October 18, 2023


I photographed these beautiful koi in a friend's pond where he raises and breeds them.  This was an experiment with water soluble oils which I am encouraged with.  I plan on doing some plein air work out of the country using this medium as we are not allowed to fly with solvents.  As is the case with pretty much everything,  practise makes...better.

water soluble oil on board

12" x 9"


Monday, October 9, 2023

Mrs. Maisel

I met Mrs. Maisel at the September dog show in E. St. Paul, and was instantly drawn to her.  She just exuded a certain amount of cool, and did come away with a ribbon the next day.  Bull terriers are an either you love 'em or don't care for the look type of breed.  I think she is definitely amazing.  I love trying new techniques and am a huge Francois Bard fan.  So I incorporated some of his beautiful background ideas, and mixed some liquin with walnut oil to create those delicious yellow ochre drip lines.  

If you are considering a commission painting for Christmas giving, now would be a good time to start the process.  It needs time to paint and time to dry.  Just email me at the above address.  This piece was $395 framed.

oil on board

12" x 9"



Sunday, September 10, 2023

Show Time

I visited  a dog show for the first time beginning of the month which happened to be held almost in my back yard.  I took a few photos, then went back to my studio and sketched out this composition with the view to returning the next day to work on it plein air, which I did as the show was a four day event.  It was so much fun meeting and chatting with some great people including Nancy who recognized herself and her dog and asked to purchase the piece.  I had some great overall interest and hope to do some more commissions in addition to one other that I am currently working on.  I saw some dog breeds which I had never heard of including three in this very painting.  The dogs are so well cared for, presented and truly loved by their owners who take enormous pride in them.  As they should.  Hoping to get to another show next week and meet up with some of the folks from this last one.

oil on canvas board

9" x 12" 


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

On The Rocks

Framed and ready to go, I love doing these koi fish paintings with their gorgeous colours and movement. This composition came out of my head and developed with not too many speed bumps which is nice.  I built the frame which sits under the frame giving it a very contemporary look. 

Oil on canvas

30" x 30"     35 1/2" x 35 1/2" with frame


Wednesday, July 26, 2023


I snapped this fellow in Sayulita last Feb. and thought he might look good next to Tor-Arne's chicken.  I loved his beautiful colours and that jaunty comb over his eye look.

10" x 8"

oil on board

$275.00  framed